Saturday, December 24, 2011

For the curious: What went wrong...

If you look closely you can find the puppy we lost. He or she was virtually folded in half and blocking the cervix.
This puppy wouldn't have survived anyway as it suffered some deformities. Perhaps it had already died in utero and that is why it got stuck. No way to know for sure.
Had this been a bitch in the wild or left to do her business under the porch she and all her babies would have died. I am grateful we live in a time where we have the technology and knowledgeable people who can save lives.
While I was in the moment it was difficult to know whether to wait or intervene. Looking back on it I think we acted appropriately and in a timely manner.

Rogue and babies are doing great. Only one baby lost a little weight, Yule. It's normal for them to do that the first couple of days and my reassurance comes from the fact that he is strong and vocal and keeps his belly full on his own. And this morning he regained a little of what he had lost.

1 comment:

Elbeepem said...

Interesting. Thank goodness that Rogue had the assistance of modern medicine and those who love her. Yes, it isn't at all unusual for them to lose a little at first, but they quickly make it up unless there is really some issue. Sounds like Yule is just a typical boy dog...always talking about food!

I had Rogue on my mind all day, but had no chance to check status till last night. Breathing easier from afar now that the delivery is over!

Hugs to all!